Monitoring Stress among First Responder professionals
Forest fires present themselves as phenomenon which is very difficult to predict and control, resulting in negative consequences for both first responders and for the environment itself. The project “Vital Responder” 2.0″, want to merge recent scientific progress and optimize the firefighting and thus minimize the wildfires damages. The main objective is to design a system for decision support in ground-based firefighting operations, synergistically between the firefighters monitoring data (e.g. vital signs, stress, fatigue), with known estimated environmental variables (e.g. CO levels, weather, soil characteristics and fuel). This decision support module will aim to help in the coordination of firefighters teams on the operational scenarios.
VitalResponder Project Featuring Video
Key Publications:
- Ribeiro DD, Fu LS, Carlos LD, Cunha JPS. A Novel Dry Active Bio-signal Electrode based on an Hybrid Organic-inorganic Interface Material. IEEE Sensors Journal. October 2011 2011;11(10):2241-2245.
- Cunha JPS. pHealth and Wearable Technologies: a permanent challenge. In: Blobel B, Pharow P, Sousa F, eds. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics – pHealth 2012, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health. Vol 177. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2012:185-195. URL:
- C. Ye, B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar, M. Coimbra, “Heartbeat Classification using Morphological and Dynamic Features of ECG Signals”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 59/10, Oct 2012, pp. 2930-2941.URL:
- P.M. Santos, T.E. Abrudan, A. Aguiar, and J. Barros, “Impact of Position Inaccuracy on Device-to-Device Wireless Channel Estimation”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- Cunha JPS. pHealth and Wearable Technologies: a permanent challenge. In: Blobel B, Pharow P, Sousa F, eds. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics – pHealth 2012, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health. Vol 177. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2012:185-195. URL:
- Can Ye; Coimbra, M.T.; Vijaya Kumar, B.V.K.; , “Arrhythmia detection and classification using morphological and dynamic features of ECG signals,” Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE , vol., no., pp.1918-1921, Aug. 31 2010-Sept. 4 2010 DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5627645 URL:
- Can Ye; Coimbra, M.T.; Kumar, B.V.K.V.; , “Investigation of human identification using two-lead Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals,” Biometrics: Theory Applications and Systems (BTAS), 2010 Fourth IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-8, 27-29 Sept. 2010
- doi: 10.1109/BTAS.2010.5634478 URL:
- Colunas, M.F.M.; Fernandes, J.M.A.; Oliveira, I.C.; Cunha, J.P.S.; , “DroidJacket: An Android-based application for first responders monitoring,” Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2011 6th Iberian Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-4, 15-18 June 2011 URL:
- Ferreira Marques, F.A.; Ribeiro, D.M.D.; Colunas, M.F.M.; Cunha, J.P.S.; , “A real time, wearable ECG and blood pressure monitoring system,” Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2011 6th Iberian Conference on, vol., no., pp.1-4, 15-18 June 2011 URL:
- Colunas, M.F.M.; Fernandes, J.M.A.; Oliveira, I.C.; Cunha, J.P.S.; , “Droid Jacket: Using an Android based smartphone for team monitoring,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2011 7th International , vol., no., pp.2157-2161, 4-8 July 2011
- doi: 10.1109/IWCMC.2011.5982868 URL:
- Ribeiro, D.M.D; Colunas, M.F.M.; Ferreira Marques, F.A.; Fernandes, J.M.A; Cunha, J.P.S.; , “A Real time, Wearable ECG and Continous Blood Pressure Monitoring System for First Responders,” Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE. URL:
- T.E. Abrudant, L.M. Paula, J. Barros, J.P.S. Cunha, N.B. Carvalho, “Indoor Location Estimation and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks using a Dual Frequency Approach ,” Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2011 International Conference. Guimarães. URL:
- Teles, D.C.; Colunas, M.F.M.; Fernandes, J.M.A.; Oliveira, I.C.; Cunha, J.P.S , “iVital: A real time monitoring system for first response teams”, Mobile Networks and Management: 3rd International Conference, MONAMI 2011, Aveiro, Portugal, September 21-23, 2011. URL:
- C. Ye, B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar, M. Coimbra, “Human Identification based on ECG Signals from Wearable Health Monitoring Devices”, in Proc. 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL 2011), Barcelona, Spain, Oct 2011.
- S. Brás, N. Ferreira, JPS Cunha, “ECG Artifact Detection Algorithm- An algorithm to improve long-term ECG analysis”, BioSignals 2012, VilaMoura, Portugal, 2012.
- P. Gomes, B. Lopes, M. Coimbra, “Field Validation of a Framework for Annotating Biological Signals of First Responders in Action”, in Proc. IEEE EMBC, San Diego, USA, Set 2012.
- P. Gomes, M. Kaiseler, C. Queirós, M. Oliveira, B. Lopes, M. Coimbra, “Vital Analysis: Annotating sensed physiological signals with the stress levels of first responders in action”, in Proc. IEEE EMBC, San Diego, USA, Set 2012.
- F. Hedayioglu, M. Jafari, S. Mattos, M. Plumbley, M. Coimbra, “Denoising of the Second Heart Sound Using Matching Pursuit”, in Proc. IEEE EMBC, San Diego, USA, Sep 2012.
- C. Ye, B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar, M. Coimbra, “Combining General Multi-class and Specific Two-class Classifiers for Improved Customized ECG Heartbeat Classification”, in Proc. IEEE ICPR, Tsukuba Science City, Japan, Nov 2012.
- M. Coimbra, J.P.S. Cunha, “Vital Responder – Wearable Sensing Challenges in Uncontrolled Critical Environments”, (invited paper) in Proc. 3rd International Conference on Sensor Systems and Software (S-Cube), Lisbon, Jun 2012
- B. Barros, A. Aguiar, D. Lucani, “Network-aware Biomedical Signal Processing: Loss Concealment or Loss Awareness”, International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF), Feb. 2012.
- M. Nistor, D. E. Lucani, J. Barros, “A total energy approach to protocol design in coded wireless sensor networks,” in Proc. International Symposium on Network Coding (NetCod), pp.31-36, Boston, USA, June 2012
- Susana Brás, David Ribeiro, João Paulo Cunha, Ricardo Fontes-Carvalho. A novel non-invasive continuous system for estimating arterial blood pressure: first-in-man clinical results. European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress, Munich, August 2012
- E.F. Gomes, P.J. Bentley, M. Coimbra, E. Pereira, Y. Deng, “Classifying Heart Sounds: approaches and results for the PASCAL Challenge”, in Proc. 6th International Conference on Health Informatics, HealthInf 2013, Barcelona, Spain, Feb 2013.
- S. Brás, J.M. Fernandes, J.P.S Cunha, “ECG delineation and morphological analysis for firefighters tasks differentiation”. In Proc. 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2013), Porto, Jun 2013
- L. Pinto, P. M. Santos, S. Crisóstomo, T. E. Abrudan, and J. Barros. “On-the-fly deployment of wireless sensor networks for indoor assisted guidance”, In Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Cyber-physical Systems, Networks, and Applications (CPSNA 2013), to appear, 2013.